
BIOGRAPHY Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

Mikhail Lomonosov - “universal man”, physicist, chemist, encyclopedist. State Councilor, Professor of Chemistry, received the title of honorary member of the Swedish and Bologna Academies of Sciences.


Only thanks to his irrepressible passion for the sciences, Mikhail Lomonosov managed to rise from the very bottom to the global recognition of his talents. He became the first Russian natural scientist, artist, encyclopedist, poet and philologist, astronomer, physicist, and chemist. The scope of its activities extended to the molecular-kinetic theory of heat, metallurgy, geography, history, and geology. It was he who discovered the atmosphere around Venus and founded the science of glass. He stood at the origins of the birth of Moscow State University which now bears his name in addition, he has achieved some success in genealogy and instrument making.

In addition to all this, he has developed Russian science, economics, and education.


Mikhail Lomonosov was born on November 19, 1711, in the village of Mishaninskoe near Arkhangelsk. This village is called Lomonosov. His father, Pomor Vasily Lomonosov, was rather prosperous, had his own ships, and traded fish. He was very kind but extremely disrespectful. Mikhail's mother's name was Elena Lomonosova, she died when their only son Mikhail was nine years old.

Soon Vasily remarried, and the stepmother of the gifted Misha was called Feodor Uskov. But family happiness did not work out, the new wife died in 1724 after three years of marriage.


From some sources, it is known that Misha has always helped his father on a fishing trips. He was ten years old when he first went to the sea with his father. At early dawn, they sailed away into the White Sea and, with the help of a woven net, were always with a decent catch. Mikhail really liked these journeys through the endless expanses of the sea, he loved these waves, blue ice, greenery, and landscapes of receding shores. He easily overcame obstacles that became a real hardening of strength and spirit for him. he observed nature, enriching his knowledge of nature and the phenomena around him.

He mastered the letter under the guidance of a local deacon S. Sabelnikov who taught him grammar, and algebra, and instilled a love for literature. At the age of fourteen, he read well and spent almost all of his time studying textbooks. He read voraciously, didn't have time to finish one book, he was already starting a new one. He seemed to want to add new and new knowledge to the acquired knowledge.

Even at school, in a literature lesson, everybody was told that Lomonosov went on foot to Moscow for education. Perhaps this would not have happened if the stepmother had been more tolerant of her stepson. But the situation in his native home became so tense that Misha simply did not have the strength to endure endless conflicts.


In addition, the father came up with the idea that it was time to marry his son and even started to look for a suitable match for him. Upon learning of his father's intention, Mikhail decided to cheat, he pretended to be very ill, so the wedding was delayed until he finally recovered.

This was not at all part of his plans, so without thinking twice, Lomonosov ran away from home at night with simple accessories, consisting of two shirts, a sheepskin coat, and several books. He did not tell his father or stepmother about his decision, because no one would let him go. They walked for three days, and only after that, they came across a caravan. He asked the fishermen and they let the guy travel with them. It was December 1730. They made their way through snowdrifts for three weeks, and only in January of the next year, they got to Moscow. The distance from the house of the future luminary of science to the capital is 1160 km.

This extraordinary journey still excites the minds of scientists and historians Some are of the opinion that a nineteen-year-old guy is almost unable to do this way, especially in winter. But knowing that he traveled on a fish cart, the conclusion suggests that he managed to either ride a cart or walk. There is another version of his journey which claims that Lomonosov traveled on a horse. Michael wanted to enter the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, so he also had to forge his documents, which now indicated that his father was a Kholmogory nobleman.

For five years, Michael was a student of this educational institution, where he taught Latin, theology, and all the sciences of that time.


Otherwise, he couldn't, his daily limit was only one altyn. In 1735, Lomonosov became a student in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg University at the Academy of Sciences. Here he took up mathematics and physics, and also tried his hand at poetry.


In 1736, Lomonosov, along with twelve other able students, was sent to Europe for further education. For five whole years, Mikhail has lived abroad, and all these years he and his comrades were haunted by problems and troubles. The Academy of Sciences did not transfer money on time, so the students almost lived in debt. Marburg became his first place of study, and the future luminary of science completed his studies at Freiberg.

It was in this city that Lomonosov met Genkel, who became his mentor in mining and metallurgy. In 1739, Lomonosov quarreled with Ginkel. The reason for their quarrel was the requirement of the teacher for the students to do the rough work. The conflict grew every day, it came to the point that Johann stopped funding his students and part-time subordinates. So, in 1740, Lomonosov left Freiberg forever, taking the assay scales and weights as a keepsake.


According to rumors, Mikhail Lomonosov had not only a brilliant mind but also a very developed intuition, bordering on extrasensory capabilities. He could, with the help of thought, penetrate the Universe and make a discovery that didn't correspond to the time The amazing thing is that his knowledge extended to any field, whether it was chemistry, physics, or writing poetry.

Based on the works of the scientist, Zhukovsky and Pushkin created their own poetry The classic of Russian literature was "Ode on the day of the accession to the All-Russian Throne of Her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Petrovna in 1747", the author of which was Mikhail Vasilyevich.

The first serious scientific studies of Lomonosov date back to 1737-1738. Real success on the scientific path was the work on the topic "On the transformation of a solid into a liquid, depending on the movement of the previous liquid" in which he gave descriptions of various aggregate states. Further in his biography was a dissertation on the subject "Metal Shine". In 1745, it was this scientific development that brought him the title of professor. And as a result of scientific achievements, the nobility has produced it.

It is also surprising that all the results that he achieved through physical and chemical experiments were very accurate, there was never a single mistake in the calculations. Thanks to his scientific works, contemporaries left natural philosophy and alchemy and started to apply the methods of natural science It was Lomonosov who discovered the kinetic theory of gases, first spoke about the law of conservation of energy, explained how a thunderstorm occurs, and as a result of the northern lights is obtained. Lomonosov was involved in the manufacture of paints and colored mirrors and conducted a chemical analysis of the ore. It is he who owns the authority of the foundations of physical chemistry.

Having once read the scientific papers of Copernicus, Lomonosov became seriously interested in astronomy. He was he who discovered the atmosphere on the planet Venus, he improved the reflecting telescope, which was later called the Lomonosov-Herschel system. Michael was the first to understand the nature of the sun. He wrote that this star is in the form of a huge fireball because fiery shafts twist there, fiery whirlwinds spin and rocks boil like water.

In addition to serious scientific research, the scientist was also engaged in developing his own language. It is thanks to him that we know now what the horizon, the atom, the refraction of rays, the temperature, and the molecule are because it was Lomonosov who introduced these concepts into the Russian language. Prior to this, all terms concerning technology were written in Latin, and it was impossible for ordinary people to understand them. He was such a progressive scientist that his works seemed to be science fiction, ahead of his time. Some of his developments were only published after his death before they were classified and not published for centuries.

Once Alexey Shuvalov, a confidant of Elizabeth and a favorite of Peter the Third, received a letter from Lomonosov. It must be said that they were good friends, and the scientist sent him his manuscript with discussions on how to preserve and breed the Russian people. Shuvalov was an educated man, but even he did not dare to publicize these findings of Lomonosov and hid them away from the public.


Mikhail Lomonosov was a very chaste person, he didn't start frivolous affairs, so there was only one woman in his personal life - his wife. In the fall of 1736, Mikhail settled in a rented room, which was rented out by the widow of a brewer from Marburg. Her daughter Elizabeth Tsilkh, 19 years old, also lived in the same apartment. Michael quickly got along with the girl, and she even bore him a child. It was a girl who received the name of Catherine Elizabeth. She was born before her parents signed, so she was illegal. Mikhail and Elizabeth signed on May 26, 1740. Three years later, in 1743, their daughter died.

In December 1741, the family was supplemented with one more little man - the son Ivan was born to the spouses. But in 1742 he died at the age of one. In 1749, the Lomonosovs became parents again, and their daughter Elena was born. She is the only survivor of the scientist's three children. Therefore, Lomonosov did not have any heirs who continued with his glorious surname

Elena Lomonosova's husband was Alexei Konstantinov, the home librarian of Catherine II She gave birth to her husband's son Alexei and three daughters-Sophia, Ekaterina, and Anna. Sophia was legally married to Nikolai Raevsky Sr., who became known in the Patriotic War of 1812.


Mikhail Lomonosov died on April 15, 1765. He was in his 54th year. The lethal outcome was due to banal pneumonia. In 1766, the first volume of the two-volume book he had conceived was published under the title "Ancient Russian History from the Beginning of the Russian People to the. Lomonosov didn't have a chance to work on the second volume.

When Lomonosov died, Catherine II ordered her loyal subject Grigory Orlov to seal all the manuscripts of the scholar that were preserved. After some time, all the papers and the personal library of the distinguished scientist ended up in the palace, since then nothing has been known about them. There were rumors that the authorities did not really want these documents "to end up in the wrong hands."

The resting place of Michael Lomonosov was the Lazarevsky cemetery.


According to journalist Dmitry Semushin, Lomonosov's father had nothing to do with either the sea or the fish trade, this is just an embellished myth. The documents that have survived by this day say that Vasily Lomonosov is a peasant living in the Kuroostrovskaya volost, a Dvinyan. In this document, the word Pomors is not even mentioned. The fact is that the biography of the "unique person" Lomonosov belongs to the historian Vladimir Lamansky, and it was with his light hand that he became the son of a merchant selling fish. Based on his work, all subsequent investigators of the life and work of Lomonosov insisted on his Pomeranian origin.

According to the memoirs of his contemporaries, the scholar had a strong temper, he even went to jail once after a drunken brawl.

An ode praising Empress Elizabeth brought Michael a well-deserved reward in the amount of two thousand rubles. At that time, there was no other money in the royal treasury, except for copper coins. Lomonosov did not lose his head, came on two rented carts, and loaded onto them the entire amount due to him.

Among Lomonosov's acquaintances was a young man named Georg Richmann, whom he met in Germany. He liked everything that the scientist does so much that he asked to take part in some interesting experiments. As a result of a lightning strike, George died.

In 1986, the film "Mikhailo Lomonosov" was released, devoted to his life and work.

Lomonosov stood at the origins of the foundation of Moscow State University, which now bears his name.


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