
BIOGRAPHY Carl von Linnaeus


The achievements of the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus can hardly be overrated. Botanists around the world consider it the creator of this science. But he succeeded not only in this direction, the scientist dedicated a lot of time and effort to work on the literary Swedish language. In fact, he is the founder of the literary Swedish language in its current form. The academician and professor Linnaeus believed that the teaching of the natural sciences should be included in the system of university education. He did a lot to bring his idea to life.


Carl Linnaeus was born in the Swedish village of Ros khult on May 23, 1707, in the family of a poor priest, Nicholas Linneus. The father of the future scholar came from the peasant class. But his parents did everything they could to get Nicholas educated. The young man managed to study at Lund University for several years, but he did not have enough money to complete his education and get a degree. Nikolaus returned to his native village, where he started to serve as an assistant to the local pastor. After he took clergy, he married the daughter of a priest, Pastor Broder sonius, under whose guidance he worked.

Karl was the firstborn, in total, there were five children in the family of Nikolaus Linneus Shortly after Carl's birth, his grandfather went away. Two years later, Nikolaus was appointed a priest to replace his deceased father-in-law, and his family was allowed to occupy the house where Charles's grandfather lived. The young family was very happy to improve their financial situation, a large house. Pastor Nikolaus took up the improvement of the garden plot enthusiastically. He decided to set up a large garden near the house, and took up a vegetable garden and flower bed Karl enthusiastically helped his father, who was involved in planting and caring for plants. He was very inquisitive, hardworking, and had an excellent memory.


The careful and wise father noticed that his eldest son had a genuine interest in crop production, and allocated an experimental plot for the boy. This small patch was next to the house, and Karl was growing flowers and herbs on it. He studied at the same lower grammar school that his father once graduated from. After eight years of study, the young man entered the gymnasium. In the city of Vekshe where young Linnaeus studied Parents saw Carl only on vacation and could not control the process of his education.

Karl was not a successful high school student, But he was fond of mathematics and biology. The teachers were extremely dissatisfied with the success of the young Linnaeus and even advised that their parents stop studying, recommending that the teenager take up a craft. But a doctor who taught logic and medicine at the gymnasium interfered. He proposed that Carl study be a doctor. Linnaeus deposited with this physician for individual instruction. In addition to the main classes, the doctor taught him and Karl's favorite subject is botany.


In 1749, after graduating from high school, Charles entered Lund University. Within the walls of this educational institution, Linnaeus meets Professor Stobeus. The pundit helped the student with housing and settled him in his house. This was of great benefit to Karl, in addition to comfortable housing, he got access to the professor's richest library. The teacher in the house had a wonderful collection of sea and river residents, and a wonderful herbarium. The lectures of the professor were also of great significance for the development of the botanist Linnaeus.

A year later Linnaeus moved to study at Uppsala University. It was a deliberate choice. The educational institution in Uppsala has provided many more opportunities for studying medicine, a whole cohort of talented professors worked here. The students of the local university were extremely active and knowledgeable, in their free time they studied independently those subjects that interested them most.

Linnaeus friended a student who was also keenly interested in botany. A tandem of passionate young people worked together to revise the natural history classifications that existed at the time. Linnaeus started to study plants. After meeting Wolof Celsius, a teacher of theology, a new stage started in Linnaeus's life The financial situation of Charles has always left much to be desired, Celsius settled him in his house, providing access to his own solid library.

At leisure, the young man took up writing a scientific paper, which included the main ideas of his future sexual classification of plants. This scientific study has aroused great interest at the university. Linnaeus' work was greatly appreciated by Rudbeck, Jr. He gave Charles the opportunity to become a teacher-demonstrator of the botanical garden at Uppsala University.

His financial capabilities were very modest, for this reason, the educational institution fully paid for the trip. Carl visited the Scandinavian peninsula, where he studied minerals, flora, wildlife, and the living conditions of the local native Sami for six months. He was meticulous about his mission. Not wanting to miss a single detail, the scientist walked, and only overcame the most difficult sections of the path with the help of a horse. He brought to Sweden the richest collection, consisting of col.


The first published work of the scientist was an article by Florula Lapponica, where he introduces readers to the sexual classification system of plants. He divides plants into classes, arguing that they have sex which can be determined by the principle of the presence of pistils or stamens. The scholar divides the classes into groups depending on the structural features of the pistils. Sometimes Linnaeus made mistakes, but in general, his system aroused great interest among scientists and served as a new round in the development of botanists.

Observations on the life of the Saami gleaned from the diary of Linnaeus, first appeared in print only in 1811.

In 1735, the scientist went to Holland, where he defended his thesis in medicine. In Leiden, Linnaeus' scientific work titled "The System of Nature" was published. Karl lived in this city for two years, and the time spent in Holland was very productive for the scientist. He published many scientific papers. Linnaeus divided animal classes into species – birds and mammals, fish and amphibians, worms, and insects. Scientist refers man to mammals, invertebrates to worms, amphibians, and reptiles to amphibians.

During these two years, Linnaeus managed to describe and classify a large collection of plants that were collected in various countries. During the Dutch period of his life, he published the main works that changed biology that made him renowned among other scientists. Linnaeus was not only engaged in scientific works. He wrote an autobiography and shared with the reader interesting facts, and stories that happened to him during the expeditions.

Returning to his homeland, the scholar settled in Stockholm, then moved to Uppsala. The professor was engaged in medical practice and was the head of the department of botany, a member of many expeditions. Numerous discoveries of Linnaeus in the field of botany and biology struck contemporaries. Even during his life, he published a number of articles, some of the works were published after the death of a great scientist. In Sweden and all over the world, the merits of the professor were highly valued and appreciated.


The name of the wife of the greatest scientist is Sarah Lisa Morea. She was the daughter of a physician. Linnaeus met in Falun and proposed two weeks later. The girl's father blessed the young. Their wedding took place only three years later, before that time the young people were abroad. The solemn marriage took place on a farm, on the family property of Sarah Liza.

The newlyweds named their first son Charles in honor of his famous father. He too became a well-known botanist, Carl Linnaeus Jr. In addition to Karl, Sarah Lisa gave her beloved husband six more children, two of whom died in childhood.

 The life of a scientist was a real example He achieved great success in scientific activity, and was a happy family man. the famous scientist named a flower from the iris family growing in South Africa by the surname of his wife and her father in 1758, the happy and friendly Linnaean family moved to the estate, located ten miles from Uppsala.


In the last years of his life, Linnaeus suffered two strokes The first happened in 1774. After partial paralysis, the professor could no longer lecture, his eldest son took up this. Two years later, the scientist experienced a second stroke after which he lost his memory. He died in 1778, has brought a lot of trouble to his relations before that. The scientist is no longer recognized by his relatives, he made attempts to leave the house. The ashes of the famous professor rest at the Uppsala Cathedral.

The scientist left a huge collection of books and herbariums to his elder son. However, the Professor's widow Sara Lisa insisted on selling these valuables. And although the scientific world of Sweden protested against this State of Affairs, the collection was sold and taken out of the State. So the country has lost the great heritage that the famous scientist collected for her.



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