
BIOGRAPHY Sir Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton-mathematician, physicist, astronomer, and mechanic. He drafted the law of universal gravitation, the author of three laws of mechanics, which became the basis of classical mechanics. He owns the development of integral and differential calculation and color theory.

Isaac newton became famous in physics and mathematics and discovered the law of gravity, motion, and calculus. Born into a family of illiterate peasants, he comprehended the secrets of the universe with his own mind and became one of the founders of classical physics. He was distinguished by secrecy and a closed character, he never showed some of his discoveries to his contemporaries.


Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643 (according to the Julian calendar) in the village of Wools Thorpe, situated in Lincolnshire, England. The boy was born prematurely on Christmas Eve and then considered it a good omen. In the meantime, he was a frail and weak child who had little chance of survival. He was not baptized for a long time, because they were not certain that he would survive at all. However, the boy turned out to be surprisingly tenacious, he not only got out but also managed to live to a mature old age. Newton died at 84 and this was the exception rather than the rule in the seventeenth century.

The boy did not know his father; Isaac newton sr. The newborn was named after his father, a reasonably wealthy and successful small farmer. After he died, the wife inherited the fields and forest land with fertile land and she also got a fabulous amount for those times - five hundred pounds sterling.

The boy's mother Anna Ayskow soon arranged her personal life. Her husband was a rich priest, Barnabas Smith, who didn't have tender feelings for his three-year-old stepson. The mother and her new husband moved to another village, and Isaac stayed in the care of his grandmother, and then uncle William Ayskoe. Soon one after another Anna and Barnabas had three children.

Isaac grew up as a diversified child. He enjoyed poetry and painting, he worked on the invention of a windmill and a water clock and fiddled with kites for hours. The boy did not differ in good health and did not like to communicate with his peers. Rather than having fun playing in the yard, he spent his time in solitude, preferring to do what was of interest to him.

At school, Isaac could not make friends with his peers, moreover, he was frequently sick and missed classes. All this annoyed his classmates, and one day they beat him half to death. This was a great humiliation, and Newton could not answer his offenders with his fists, because he'd never been a strong man Then he decided to win respect with his mind.

 Before this incident, Isaac studied very badly, because of which the teachers did not like him. After the fight, he seriously took up his studies, and gradually gained fame as the best student. Now he was becoming increasingly interested in mathematics, technology, and inexplicable phenomena in nature.

By the sixteenth birthday of her eldest son, the mother was again a widow, and it was hard for her to manage the household herself. she brought Isaac to her native estate, in the hope that he would help her with household chores, at that time, Newton was already seriously interested in the design of different mechanisms, he read a lot and even composed poetry.

This annoyed the mother very much, and then friends and relatives began to convince her to give consent for the guy to continue his studies. So, with the help of the school teacher Mr. Stokes, uncle William Ayskow and friend Humphrey Babington, Isaac was able to finish school in 1661 and become a student at Cambridge University.


At the university, Isaac studied in the status of "sizar." This is a person who studies for free, but for this, he is involved in various work, including helping wealthy students. Newton didn't like his position, but he gathered all his courage and management. He was as unsociable as before, he was absolutely no friends.

In those days, natural science and philosophy were taught at the University of Cambridge, based on the teachings of Aristotle, in spite of the fact that it was already known about the discoveries of Galileo, Copernicus, and Kepler. Newton read a lot, he was keenly interested in all the innovations in the world of astronomy, mathematics, telephones, and optics. The young man, even studied music theory, in general, everything that was new and came across his arm He liked this activity so much that he could sometimes not remember if he slept and what he ate.

In 1664, Isaac Newton began to work on his own. He singled out the main problems of man and nature, of which there were forty-five, and which no one had tried to solve before him. The student's biography changed in the same year, after a talented mathematician Isaac Barrow, a teacher in the university's mathematical department, emerged in his life. Sometime later, Barrow became Newton’s teacher and part-time one of the scientist’s few friends.

Barrow managed to instill in Newton a love for mathematics, and he began to get seriously involved in this science. Soon he could already boast of his first discovery in the field of mathematics-the binomial expansion for the derived rational exponent. At the same time, Newton became a graduate student.

From 1665 to 1667, Isaac lived at the family estate in Wood Thorpe. Then England was in the grasp of the bubonic plague, fought with Holland, and therefore the university was closed. However, at home, he did not stop his scientific research. The main interest in those years was optics for Newton. He was interested in the problem of overcoming chromatic aberration in lens telescopes, and the study of this phenomenon led to the discovery of dispersion. Set up experiments to understand the physical nature of light. His experiments are still being carried out in many universities.

As a result, Isaac discovered the corpuscular model of light, he understood that this is a stream of particles flying out of a light source and moving in a straight line to the nearest obstacle. This model was very far from objectivity but became the basis of classical physics It was due to her that modern concepts of the physics of phenomena were then formed.

At the same time, Newton discovered his most famous law, that of universal gravity. However, it was published several decades later, because Newton was more interested in the process itself, and not famous.


This discovery was the result of long and painful work. But the legend of an apple that has fallen on the head of a scientist belongs to the pen of the philosopher Voltaire.


Upon returning to Cambridge in the late 1660s, Isaac Newton became a master. Now he was protected in his own room and a group of young students to whom he taught mathematics. However, Isaac didn't really like teaching, he was more interested in scientific developments. The students quickly "cut through" this and started to skip his lectures. It happened that the audience was completely empty during his class. But Newton was celebrated for the invention of the reflecting telescope, thanks to which he became a member of the Royal Society of London. Thanks to his invention, great discoveries in astronomy have become possible.

In 1687, the most important of all the works of the scientist, a book that he called "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy," got into print. Newton had already been published before, but it was this work that was of great importance thanks to him, rational mechanics and all mathematical natural science arose. This work is composed of the law of universal gravitation, three already familiar laws of mechanics, which became the basis of classical physics, and key concepts in physics.

The mathematical and physical level of Newton's work exceeded everything that other scientists in this field had discovered before him. The work did not contain unproven metaphysics, it lacked lengthy reasoning, unfounded laws, and vague formulations that Descartes and Aristotle stuck to in their writings.


The eminent scientist was too busy with his research, he occasionally forgot to eat and sleep, not to mention women. He is completely lacking a personal life, only endless service to science. The scientist wasn't married and left no heirs behind him.

Newton's health declined abruptly in 1725. He moved to Kensington near London, where he died on March 31, 1727. The scientist did not leave a written will, but literally before his death, he gave most of his fortune to close relatives. Newton was buried with great honors. His resting place was Westminster Abbey, next to kings and distinguished public figures.


"A New Theory of Light and Colors"

"The movement of bodies in orbit"

"Mathematical principles of natural philosophy"

"On the quadrature of curves"

"Enumeration of lines of the third order"

"Universal Arithmetic"

"Analysis using equations with a number of terms"

"Method of Differences"

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