
BIOGRAPHY Omar Khayyam


Omar Khayyam is a completely unique phenomenon in world science and philosophy, a man like the Russian Lomonosov. Khayyam is better known to a wide circle of people as the author of ruby, short quatrains that have a subtle and clear philosophical meaning. However, first of all, this man was a scientist who achieved incredible success in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, history, literature, and cooking. The time in which the great sage lived was gloomy and difficult. For the slightest free-thinking in the East, the people were persecuted and oppressed. But Khayyam was always distinguished by freedom of thought, he did not deny the existence of the Almighty, however, all the activities of the scholar were secular. He was a great educator, bringing his vast knowledge to the masses. This man tried with all his might to make life easier for ordinary people and helped ordinary people to find the meaning of life.

The outstanding achievements of Khayyam in various fields cause a great surprise among the descendants and make them think that such a versatile person simply did not exist in the world. But this is not so, such unique personalities are sometimes, very seldom, found among people. The life of this scientist and philosopher was quite successful if you do not take into account his last years. He managed to realize himself, he was given powerful support from the padishah of Iran, who was able to appreciate the value of Khayyim’s personality. The philosopher never had a family and children, directing all of his strength to the study of the laws of nature. He worshiped himself entirely in science and philosophy, for this reason, he was able to prove himself in many directions. It is not easy to follow the destiny of a man who lived almost a millennium ago, but his biography, collected bit by bit from reliable sources,


Omar Khayyam was born in the Iranian city of Nishapur on May 18, 1048. Men who were born under the sign of Taurus always have a philosophical attitude to life. A deep mind, inquisitiveness, and observation - all of this is also characteristic of Taurus. At the same time, from early youth they try to get firmly on their feet, not to depend on anybody financially. Perhaps all of these qualities predetermined the occupation of little Omar. His parents were rich people, the boy belonged to an ancient, respected family of artisans. From an early age, Omar amazed his relatives with his extraordinary analytical skills and numerous talents. The child was very smart, reasonable, helpful, and inquisitive.

Khayyam learned to read early, at the age of eight he independently studied the Quran, the holy Muslim book, and even tried to interpret some of its postulates. Already in early childhood, he had learned to speak eloquently, and throughout his life, the scientist did not stop developing his oratorical abilities. In his youth, he started to study Muslim law and philosophy and was very successful in this field. In Iran, a young man was called a real expert on the Quran. He was frequently approached for advice and help by people who had difficulty interpreting the holy book.

Funding was needed for education. Omar sold his parent’s house and his father's workshop and suddenly got a very tempting offer from the main man of the country. The abilities of the young man were already known in court, the ruler invited him to take the position of court scholar. It was incredible luck, under the auspices of the main man of Isfahan, the talents and capabilities of Omar Khayyam flourished.


Khayyam is frequently called a unique scientist. He wrote a number of scientific treatises on topics entirely unrelated to each other. topics. This man was keenly interested in astronomy, conducting many years of research on the movement of the stars. the result of his tireless work was the most accurate calendar in the world. Based on the astronomical data obtained, Khayyam created a system of astrology. The scientist devoted a lot of time to studying the food habits of the signs of the Zodiac, which allowed him to draw up the right nutrition system for each of them. The book of delicious and healthy recipes written by a scientist still surprises culinary experts all over the world.

Omar Khayyam had a special love for the exact science - math. The result of his achievements in this area was the analysis of Euclid’s theory, the author’s system of calculation for quadratic and cubic equations. The scientist theorem has been proven, carried out calculations, and worked on the creation of classification of equations. The scientific works of this man in the field of algebra and geometry are highly valuable to modern scientists. The calendar that Khayyam is still valid in Iran.


After himself, Khayyam left an invaluable heritage, his descendants found several of his books and literary collections. The collections compiled by the renowned philosopher inspire some doubt in researchers. There is a version that not all of the verses that can be read in these books belong to the pen of Khayyam himself. For ten centuries after his death, many rubies with a "seditious" meaning were attributed to Khayyam. Only in this way could their real authors save themselves from the persecution of the all-powerful authorities who strictly monitor the morality of their people. It is possible that some works of folk art have been distributed under the name of Khayyam at the same time, researchers of the work of the great Iranian argue that more than 300 poems from the collections were found were written by the philosopher himself.

In the East, quadrants filled with philosophical meaning are called rubai. Omar was an innovator here too; during his life, only representatives of the highest nobility or heroes could be heroes of literary works. At that time, they did not write about ordinary people, no one took them into account, though it was the people who created all the material and cultural values. The ordinary people were basically illiterate, and no one cared about their thoughts and aspirations. Omar started to write his rubais for all people, in a clear, understandable, clear language, without the ornate epithets that are so loved in the East.

But he is a true philosopher, thinking a lot about human lives and fates. Rubaiyat are very concise and elegant, there is nothing superfluous in them, only precise words that convey a deep meaning.

It is not for nothing that the sages say that mathematics Khayyam, an excellent mathematician, looks very consistent in his literary works. In poems, he didn't bypass any topic that excites a person. The poet wrote about God, destiny, society, love, about human relationships. All his poems have become immortal, they will remain relevant for all times.


The philosopher had his own views on life, abruptly different from the generally accepted ones. The pundit was not too versed in the social trends of that time and almost did not notice the changes that were taking place in society. He did not consider it possible to waste his precious time on this, and at the end of his life, he is paid for his inattention.

Theology was one of the areas that the philosopher greatly occupied. He was a man with non-standard thinking and was not shy about expressing loud thoughts that were considered seditious. Khayyam is considered an ordinary person a great value, glorified him, called the desires and needs of a person very important. He believed that God and faith could exist perfectly apart from religious institutions. The philosopher believed that God must be in a person’s soul, and the Almighty never leaves a person, no matter how sinful he is. Khayyam often expressed his thoughts on this topic.


Such a position of the venerable scholar could not but cause indignation among the churchmen. There has always been a lot of controversy around him. However, the clergy could not cause much harm to the philosopher-the padishah himself was his high patron. In addition, Khayyam from their early youth was considered a great expert on the Qur'an, and in theological disputes, he could easily outdo many churchmen who did not have such fundamental knowledge. However, already in the years of Khayyam's maturity, many clergymen considered this freethinker to be a "harmful" element.

Khayyam's statements about love were contradictory, he considered this feeling from two sides - both creative and destructive. In some of his poems, admiration for love and a woman sounds. There are also such works where the poet laments over the destiny of a man whose life has been broken by love. But his attitude towards a woman has always been positive, Khayyam believed that the primary value for a man is his beloved woman. For this reason, a real man is simply responsible to make his woman happy, for this, she must be loved, appreciated, and respected.

The poet wrote a lot about friendship, considering it a great present. He was well aware that there were not so many true friends in the world, he urged people to cherish friendship, and not to betray those with whom they went through difficulties and trials. The philosopher believed that people should be treated selectively, not allowing random "fellow travelers" into your house and at your table, who could easily drag the owners into an evil deed.

Possessing an analytical mindset, Khayyam perfectly observed the unfair structure of the world. But besides this, he saw that many people do not understand what the main values of life are. Some things his contemporaries explained from the point of view of theology, though in fact, they had a natural essence. The lyrical hero Khayyam frequently doubts faith, he treats himself with love and his needs. This person, like Khayyam himself, may be called a freethinker. The opportunities of his mind and reasoning know no barriers. This is a guy shirt, he is close and simple, he loves good wine, he loves women, and he understands all the beauty of the world.

The poet believed that it is important for a person to learn to appreciate all the little joys, to accept all the events that take place without anger and anger, looking for positive moments even at times of adversity.

Omar Khayyam is called the great hedonist. he did not consider it possible to refuse earthly goods for the sake of an illusory heavenly bliss The poet and philosopher see the meaning of life in something else-in consumption and enjoyment. But everything should be in moderation, otherwise, apathy and satiety will come quickly. Such views of the philosopher led the public into indignation but found a response amongst the rulers and the nobility. The Russian intelligentsia especially liked Khayyam for his views on life.


He devotes a significant part of his work to the poet's love for a woman. However, The way of life of the great scientist did not allow him to burden himself with the obligations of marriage. he was a freethinker and was always under the scrutiny of churchmen who did not forgive freethinking. Disobedient without any doubt were persecuted, and the most dangerous “criminals” were executed.


His treatises and books, which have come down to posterity, are small grains of full-fledged studies of the great scholar. Most frequently, he passed on his research to his contemporaries orally. Science at that time was in the pen, the religious institutions did everything so that it did not develop. Scientists and science were dangerous for the churchmen and were subject to destruction.


Khayyam was an amazingly brave person; in the era of the deaf Middle Ages, he wasn't afraid to express his thoughts aloud. For a long time, he was under the protection and patronage of the ruler of Iran, who didn't let him offend. However, all good things will come to an end sometime. When the padishah died, hard times came for Khayyam. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the sage himself was already in old age The Iranian philosopher has spent his last days in poverty and deprivation. The churchmen, calling him a blasphemer, hastened to expel the scholar from the palace. The new ruler wasn't interested in Khayyam. The philosopher has become a real hermit.

But he was true to his ideas until his final breath. Khayyam continued his scientific research, wrote rubaiyat, and enjoyed every moment of his life. He seemed to know when the hour of his death would have come, and he prepared well for it. Once, the venerable elder prayed every day, after which he took a bath, read the sacred words, and died. he accepted his death calmly and with dignity, as befits a sage. At this time, the great scientist was 83 years old.

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