


A well-known figure in the world of natural sciences, Albert Einstein (years of life: 1879-1955), is known even by humanitarians who do not like particular objects because the name of this person has become a household name for people with incredible mental skills.

 Einstein is the founder of physics in his modern sense: a great scientist, the founder of the theory of relativity, and the author of more than three hundred scientific papers. Albert is also known as a publicist and public figure, who is an honorary physician of about twenty higher educational institutions in the world. This person attracts ambiguity: the facts say that, in spite of their incredible quick wit, he was stupid in solving everyday issues, which makes him an interesting figure in the eyes of the public.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the great scientist begins with the small German city of Ulm, situated on the Danube River - this is the place where Albert was born on March 14, 1879,

The father of the brilliant physicist Herman was involved in the production of filling mattresses with feather stuffing, but soon the Albert family moved to the city of Munich. Herman, along with Jakob, his brother, took over a small company selling electrical equipment, which at first developed successfully, but could soon not stand the competition of large firms.

As a child, Albert was considered a narrow-minded child, for example, he did not speak up until the age of three. The parents were even afraid that their child would never learn to pronounce words, when at the age of 7 Albert barely moved his lips, trying to repeat the memorized phrases.

 From an early age, the great physicist showed a negative attitude towards war: he hated the noisy game of soldiers because he personifies a bloody war.

A vivid memory of a genius is a compass, which Albert obtained from his father at the age of five. Then the boy was ill, and Herman showed him an object that was interested in the child: after all, it is surprising that the arrow of the device showed the same direction.


Little Albert was frequently taught by his uncle Jacob, who from childhood instilled in his nephew a love for the exact mathematical sciences. Together they read textbooks on geometry and mathematics, and solving a problem on their own for a young genius has always been happy. However, Einstein's mother Paulina had a negative attitude towards such activities and believed that for a five-year-old child, love for the exact sciences would not be anything good. But it was clear that this man would make big discoveries in the future.

It is also known that Albert was interested in religion since childhood, he believed it was impossible to start studying the universe without understanding God. The future scientist observed the clergy with trepidation and did not understand why the higher biblical mind did not stop the war. When the boy was 12 years old, his religious beliefs sunk into oblivion due to the study of science books. Einstein became a believer that the bible is a highly advanced system for managing youth.

 After leaving school Albert enters the Munich gymnasium. Teachers regarded him as mentally retarded due to the same speech impediment. Einstein studied only subjects that were of interest to him, ignoring history, literature, and the German language. He had special problems with the German language: the teacher told Albert to his face that he wouldn't finish school.

Einstein hated going to an educational institution and believed that the teachers themselves did not know much, but they envisioned themselves to be upstarts who were allowed to do everything. Because of these judgments, young Albert constantly got into arguments with them, so he developed a reputation as not only a backward, but also a poor student.


Without graduating from high school, 16-year-old Albert moved from his family to sunny Italy, to Milan. In the hope of enrolling in the Federal Higher Technical School of Zurich, the future scholar leaves Italy for Sweden on foot. Einstein managed to show decent results in the exact sciences in the exam, but Albert totally failed in the humanities. But the rector of the technical school recognized the outstanding abilities of the teenager and advised him to enter the Swiss Aarau school, which, by the way, was considered far from the best.

The best students of Aarau left for higher education in the capital of Germany, but in Berlin, the abilities of graduates were underrated. After that the satisfied future scientist came to Schneider's office Albert angered the head of the school, saying that he unfairly chooses students for competitions.

 After successfully completing his studies, Albert enters the educational establishment of his dreams - the school of Zurich. However, the young genius had a bad relationship with Professor Weber: the two physicists were continually arguing and arguing.

The beginning of a scientific career

Due to disagreements with professors at the institute Albert was blocked from entering science He passed the examinations well, but not perfectly, the professors refused the student a scientific career. Einstein worked with interest at the scientific department of the Polytechnic Institute, Weber said that his student was a smart fellow, but did not accept the criticism.

 At the age of 22, Albert received a teaching degree in mathematics and physics. But the same quarrels with his teachers also kept Einstein from finding a job, spending two years agonizingly looking for a stable paycheck. Friends of the scientist helped her get a job at the patent office, where he worked for a long time.

In 1904, Albert began collaborating with the Annals of Physics journal, gaining authority in the publication, and in 1905 the scientist published his own scientific papers. But the revolution in the world of science was made by the three articles of the great physicist

 The work laid the foundation for quantum theory;

 A scientific paper that made a discovery in statistical physics about Brownian motion.

Theory of relativity

 Einstein's theory of relativity changed fundamentally the scientific physical concepts that were previously based on Newtonian mechanics, which existed for about two hundred years. But the theory of relativity, deduced by Albert Einstein, could only be fully understood by a few, therefore, only the special theory of relativity, which is part of the general one, is taught in educational institutions. SRT speaks of the addiction of space and time to speed: the higher the speed of the body, the more distorted both the dimensions and time are.

Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity

 According to SRT, it is possible to travel in time by overcoming the speed of light, therefore, based on the impossibility of such travel, a limitation is introduced: the speed. For low speeds, space and time are not distorted, so the classical laws of mechanics apply here, and high speeds, for which the distortion is noticeable, are called relativistic. And this is only a small fraction of both the special and general theory of Einstein's whole movement.

Nobel Prize

Albert Einstein has been nominated for the Nobel Prize more than once, but this award bypassed the scientist for about 12 years because of his new and not clear views on exact science. However, the committee agreed to compromise and nominate Albert for his work on the theory of the photoelectric effect, for which the scientist was awarded the prize. All due to the fact that this invention is not so revolutionary, in contrast to the General Relativity, for which Albert, in fact, was preparing a speech.


However, there are rumors that Albert had known long before the trip that he was being nominated. But the scientist decided not to stay in Stockholm at such a decisive moment.

Personal life

The life of the great scientist is covered with interesting facts: Albert Einstein is a weird person. He was known to wear socks and also hated brushing his teeth. In addition, he had a poor memory of simple things like telephone numbers.


After he divorced Mileva, the scientist married Elsa Leventhal, his cousin. However, he was also interested in Elsa's daughter, who didn't have mutual feelings for a man who was 18 years older than her.

 Many who knew the scientist observed that he was an unusually kind person, he was ready to give a helping hand and admit mistakes.

Cause of death and memory

In the spring of 1955, during a walk between Einstein and his friend, a simple conversation about life and death started, during which the 76-year-old scientist said that death is also a relief.


On April 13, Albert's condition worsened sharply: doctors diagnosed an aortic aneurysm, but the scientist refused to be operated on. Albert was in the hospital, where he fell ill. He whispered words in his native language, but the nurse couldn't understand them. This was a bitter loss for the whole scientific world.

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